Hello all who come across this site.  And if you don't then consider this a falling tree.

My purpose here is to join the land of the blog-sphere opinionated.  Sometimes I may be LEFT sometimes RIGHT sometime down the middle.  I am politic though I have some definite thoughts and beliefs and they come from 40+ years of experience.  (according to family and friends of the past I was already old at 14)

I want to bring closure to issues while sharing those issues with you.  In doing so maybe something will open for you as well.  

Most of what I type will probably be unedited and raw.  In most cases I just want to get it up and out.  If I leave it as a draft it may never be finished.  So forgive the un POLISHED posts.  It is the real me and my brain at work.

I want to develop this into a seminar of life affirmation and growth.  Bringing balance to my life through the Martial arts and Budo but maybe not how you might expect.  I will develop exercises based on my years of different training that had the most emotional impact and cathartic value.

Catharsis leads to healing and martial arts can fulfill your needs of closure and taking control of your life.  It's a work in progress as is life so take the journey with me and maybe we can discover it together.

Take the grey mass of what we call our lives and form it into something strong, bright and wonderful. Be Clay. Malleable yet firm when you need to be or formless and powerfull like water. GOLEM?

Yours in Clay & Water


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